Clients Come First.
Prosecuting Abusive Creditor Behavior
As an experienced Washington, DC area bankruptcy firm, we can not only help you get relief from your old debts, we can also help you file suit against creditors that use the legal process unfairly to collect their debts. For example, If you paid a single creditor more than $600 in the 90 days before you filed your petition, PACE Group PLLC may be able to sue that creditor and reclaim the monies you spent? Yes, we can do this. We help clients recover money from creditors this way all the time, and we can help you too. For example, let’s say that you’ve been struggling to make payments on a credit card. At a certain point you finally realize that bankruptcy is the best option for you. If we assume that your regular monthly payments were $500 per month we may be able to obtain for you up to $1,500. You can use this money to pay other necessities or stash it in the bank as a financial cushion. Do you think you might be eligible to receive money back from creditors? Do you think $1,500 could be useful to you in getting back on your financial feet? Give PACE Group PLLC a call today. Let us assess your case, and see if we can get any money back for you. Not all bankruptcy attorneys know how to do this. And not all bankruptcy attorneys do this service for their clients as part of their bankruptcy petition, for free. We do. Make the best decision for your financial future. Call us today.
PACE Group PLLC has seen first hand the negative effect that over-zealous collection companies and creditors can have on regular hardworking people. Perhaps you are trying to set up a payment plan. Maybe it was a medical condition or divorce. We know that there are many reason why good people fall onto hard times, especially in this economy. We also know that many creditors use abuse and illegal tactics in order to pressure people to pay their debts, even though they may not have the money. Are you receiving calls after 9PM? Are you receiving calls at your job or other place where its receipt may be embarrassing or put your in an unfavorable light? Does the creditor refuse to stop calling, even when you have made your intention that they cease clear? Are you receiving threats of legal process should you not follow through with making payments? These behaviors suggest illegal conduct. Such conduct can be pursued and you may be entitled to money damages. Do you have a case? Give us a call and find out.